This title is a placeholder

And this is not to be considered a manifesto. Let's call it a rant from a guy who misses a less profit-driven internet model. And not a particularly well-written rant at that. This is not a doctoral thesis. This is not a research piece. It's just some really rough thoughts on what's going on here.

Where to begin...

There is some nostalgia at play here, so I may as well admit that up front. There is a reason I'm "optimizing for desktop" and doing as much of this as possible on an absolute fossil of a PowerMac. But this isn't meant to be an homage to some internet that never was, nor to romanticize memories from the specific corners of the internet that raised me. I don't want to present myself as being part of any movement, though I may agree with and echo some sentiments espoused by one or more such groups.

Ultimately, I want to build a web presence that I can be proud of and share the things I want to share with the world. And to retain ownership, in so far as I care to, over that content. If I post a skating pic, I want to own that, not have a megacorp own my photo and sell it to stock sites or other third parties. If I post my thoughts, or a piece of fiction, I want to retain copyright, not automatically give it over to the corporation hosting my content to ultimately find out that it's been republished without my consent and without recompense. If I want people to see it, I can work out how to promote my shit - I don't need nor want an algorithm fed by a combination of megacorp data mining and third-party data brokers dictating who may even see my shit on their feed. I'm not trying to monetize my web presence, either, I just have no interest. I learned a long time ago to not do anything I'm passionate about for a living.